Gripper, pneumatically intelligent, GPP/GPD5000-IL series
Zimmer GmbH
Im Salmenkopf 5
77866 Rheinau, Germany
+49 7844 9138 0
+49 7844 9138 80
DDOC00247 / d
EN / 2020-07-20
"ControlWord" structure:
Bit 15
Bit 14
Bit 13
Bit 12
Bit 11
Bit 10
Bit 9
Bit 8
Byte 1
"ErrorReset" -
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Byte 2
"WritePDU" "DataTrans-
Bit 0: "DataTransfer"
Setting this bit causes the gripper to acquire the data transmitted in the process data ("WorkpieceNo" = 0) or the data
stored in the workpiece data records ("WorkpieceNo = 1 to 32) as the active data set.
Bit 1: "WritePDU"
Setting this bit communicates to the gripper that it should write the current process data to the selected tool recipe.
Bit 2: "ResetDirectionFlag"
Setting this bit informs the gripper that the direction flag needs to be reset.
This makes a repeated movement to a position possible.
This is logical during a switchover of workpiece recipes.
Bit 3: "Teach"
Setting this bit informs the gripper to save the current position as the "TeachPosition" in the selected "WorkpieceNo".
This only works if there is no "0" that is transmitted in the workpiece number!
Bit 7: "Adjust"
If no other bit is set in the control word, the "AdjustBit" can be used to execute a readjustment of the end positions of the
Bit 8: "MoveToBase"
Setting this bit communicates to the gripper that it should move towards the "BasePosition".
Bit 9: "MoveToWork"
Setting this bit communicates to the gripper that it should move towards the "WorkPosition".
Bit 15: "ErrorReset"
This bit can be used to acknowledge all errors that can be reset and thus reset them.
You can find out whether an error is present from the error list.
For further information, please refer to the "Error diagnosis" section.