2. Getting Started
Jumper Requirements - DOS and STD 32 STAR SYSTEMs
W2, W4, W5, W7, W9, W10, W16
Not installed:
W1, W3, W6, W8, W11-15, W17, W18
This configuration selects DMA Mode 2, drives INTRQ2* with the floppy disk interrupt,
and sets up the floppy disk drive interface for 3½" drives.
Refer to Appendix A, "
Jumper Configurations
," for details.
As shown in the "
Connector Locations
" drawing, the ZT 8954 includes six frontplane
connectors to interface to application-specific devices. A brief description of each
connector is given below in the "
Frontplane Connector Assignments
" table. For more
information, see the "
" topic in Appendix B.
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