4 Digit Counter Bipolar Overflow Display
In bipolar modes, the displayed count is able to reach a count of 1 more than +9999 or 1 less than
-9999. At first sight the result may seem obvious. Clearly it is 10,000, but what is the sign? 1
count more than 10,000 is actually –9999, and 1 count less than 10,000 is ac9999! This
‘special number’ is shown as follows on the display.
Note, that the overflow indicator (if enabled) will be activated on this count value.
Rounding Options
Rounding Mode
In Rounding mode any non displayable portion of the scaled value is rounded up to the nearest
displayable value.
Set to rounding, the display is rounded up if the answer after the division of the actual input
counts by the denominator results in digits to the right of the least significant digit being greater
or equal to one half.
Example 1:
If the input count is 1 and the denominator is 3 then the result of the division is 0.33’ and the
display will show 0. If however the count is 2 the result of the division will be 0.66’ and the
display will show 1.
Note: the magnitude of the count is rounded up, and as such –0.66 is also rounded up to –1.
Example 2:
4 digit display, configured to display 2 decimal places.
Scaled Value: +0.2568.
Displayed Value: +_0.26, ( _ indicates blank display position due to leading zero suppression).
Truncated Mode
In Truncated mode (Rounding off), any non displayable portion of the scaled value is truncated.
Example 1:
If the inputs count is 2 and the denominator is 3 then the result of the division is 0.66’ and the
display will show 0. If however the count is 3 the result of the division will be 1.0 and the display
will show 1.