Scaling Options
In normal operation the Numerator and the Denominator dictate the ratio of the displayed count
for a given number of inputs transitions of the inputs, however a ‘raw’ un-scaled count equivalent
to a numerator of +0001 and a denominator of 0001 can be displayed instead, by operating the
scale reed switch as described previously.
While the un-scaled value, which is unsigned, is being displayed, the display is prefixed by a ‘u’.
The un-scaled value is only available on the 4 digit counter system as the 2 digit system does not
have reed switches.
Count Scaling
Scaled by both multiplication and division factors, (Numerator and Denominator).
Must lie in the range -9999 to +9999, smallest decimal /- 0.001 Signed (+ or -), may
include 0, 1, 2 or 3 decimal places, though a decimal point must always be specified.
Always entered in the following format, 6 characters including: sign, 4 digits, left side padded
with zeros and a decimal point.
Note: The position of the Decimal point when the four digit numerator is entered into the system,
defines where the decimal point will appear on subsequent count displays. If the numerator of 75
say is entered as 075.0, then subsequent count displays will have the decimal point in the
position 000.0 for example.
Examples below:
Unsigned (no + or -), integer must lie in the range 1 to 9999.
Always entered in the following format as 4 digits, left side padded with zeros.
Examples below:
The numerator/denominator system is provided so that ratios may be accurately evaluated, with
no loss of accuracy due to mathematical approximation.
Displaying more decimal places reduces the maximum display range, but increases the fractional
precision of the displayed value.
Changing the numerator or denominator resets the current count to zero.