4. Installation Specifications
TI 33Q01J10-01E
Input current peak values and waveforms, influenced by input impedance, varies with system
configurations, line sharing with other systems, and other factors. The rush current data shown
above were measured under predetermined conditions (see below). Please note that the values
are subject to change.
The power input circuit, with an in-rush current limiting circuit, restrains primary in-rush current,
turning any current exceeding the limit to secondary and successive rush current.
Measurement Conditions
Input voltage: 132/264 V AC, 50 Hz, and 24 V DC
Power line impedance: Approx. 0.4 ohms (external line and internal impedance)
Turn-on timing: At 50 Hz, 90° or 5 ms after the AC zero-crossing point
(60 Hz data are almost identical to the 50 Hz data shown above.)
• The timing of the maximum primary/secondary in-rush current varies with devices.
• The restart in-rush current after a momentary power failure exceeds the above data and its
timing is also different.
• For a system composed of multiple pieces of equipment, the in-rush current is normally
smaller than the total of the in-rush currents by individual pieces of equipment.
Nov. 20, 2003-00