V2.3.0 OM-UNN valid from 15
April 2015
Error message and Description
Corrective action
The validity of the cartridge has expired.
Use a valid cartridge or proceed at your own risk.
The cartridge bar code is illegible.
Type the code manually using the keyboard on the display.
The test code of the cartridge is not
Update the Methods File with the 2D barcode on reagent kit.
The corresponding cartridge is part of a
non-calibrated lot.
Calibration for this new lot of reagent is required..
More than one calibrator is found for
the same lot.
Remove the extra calibrators.
The calibrator is associated with a
different item or lot.
Replace the calibrator or the cartridge.
The control serum is associated with a
different item or lot.
Replace the quality control or the cartridge.
Self-Check Errors
Error Message
Corrective action
Self-checking Stop
Handle the error according to displayed. If the errors are still
detected, call service.
Cartridge Processing Errors
The errors described below are detected during the analysis cycle (the corresponding cartridges with the
error will be aborted). Errors regarding aborted cartridges will be reported in the title column from the
printout report.
Name and Description
Corrective action
Washer priming consumed only Xml of
cleaning solution. If cleaning solution
tank is properly connected cleaning
solution cell, SV 2 or Pump 4 maybe
Check if the common reagent tanks are touching the walls of the
holding compartment.
Check the hydraulic circuit, check for loose connections.
Check for disconnected tubing.
Re-run the cycle; if the error is detected again, call service.
Transfer Failed
Save the cartridge and call service.
If it is an occasional error, you may continue to work.
Puncher Failed
Save the cartridge and call service.
If it is an occasional error, you may continue to work.