The GPS-PAD vibrates and you‟ll see a green box around the widget or icon. Don‟t release
your finger.
Drag the widget or icon to a new location on the screen.
Pause at the left or right edge of the screen to drag the widget or icon onto another Home
screen panel.
When the widget or icon is where you want it, release your finger.
If you‟ve released your finger but a message shows that there‟s no space to place the widget
or icon, drag it right or left again to another Home screen panel.
Removing a widget or icon
Press and hold the widget or icon you want to remove.
The GPS-PAD vibrates and you‟ll see a green box around the widget or icon. Don‟t release
your finger.
Drag the widget or icon to the GPS-PAD button. The GPS-PAD button then changes into the
Remove button and turns red.
When the widget or icon also turns red, release your finger.