Summary and things to look out for
The new Blue and White Macintosh computers don’t have SCSI or Video embedded on the motherboard as the older
Macintosh range of computers used to have. This needs to be remembered when considering your audio setup, as
you may in future wish to produce CD’s with an external CDR or CDRW unit over SCSI, and you could run out of
slots very quickly.
The PCI slots on some older B&W G3 machines have been known to be problematic in some cases. You should
always refer to the Apple.com website for the latest news. As of time of writing Apple had posted 4 updates to the
main-board firmware for the B&W G3, (which on the new B&W Macintosh machines can be updated). Your Apple
system profiler will tell you what revision you are running.
Make sure you have sufficient ‘actual’ RAM in your Macintosh to perform the task in hand. Applications such as RAM
doublers and speed doublers tend not to work well with audio software.
Your audio application software needs to support ASIO for the SW1000XG to work. For a full list of ASIO supporting
software please visit the Steinberg website.
Also you need to be running OMS to allow the SW1000XG to function as a MIDI device. The MOTU FreeMIDI system
is not supported by the SW1000XG natively, however MOTU do provide an OMS to FreeMIDI patch. Yamaha cannot
guarantee 100% that this will work. When configuring OMS for the first time with your SW1000XG, please make sure
you have an external device connected to the MIDI ports of the SW, to allow correct detection of their status. As of
writing the latest version of MOTU Performer supports OMS fully. So if you have Performer by MOTU, please
upgrade to the latest version.
As on the Windows platform, ASIO drivers for the SW1000XG come in all shapes and sizes. As we have already
seen the standard SW1000XG stand-alone ASIO driver supports both 16 and 32-bit modes. The other ASIO drivers
that support the SW1000XG for audio on the Macintosh combine support for the Yamaha DS2416 card. This
provides a seamlessly integrated 2 card audio system. Be sure that you have downloaded or installed the correct
driver for your card combination. The ASIO driver supporting both cards at the same time is available from Yamaha’s
Pro Audio website. Again 32-bit and 16-bit modes of operation are supported, although caution should be maintained
with some Macintosh ASIO compatible applications. If you are in any doubt as to whether your software will support
the 2-card combination, please refer to the owner’s manual of your software, or contact your software vendor by
It is possible to run the SW1000XG alongside other Macintosh based audio cards. This means that you can use the
SW1000XG as your synth/MIDI interface and digital mixer/effects processor, whilst using the other card, which may
have more sophisticated I/O options for just that – Input and Output!
Of course, it is possible to use other methods to control the SW1000XG on your Macintosh, and the next chapter will
take us through just some of them.