Revision 1.1
WebSwitch™ Users Manual
When the pulse command is sent to WebSwitch™, the outlet will pulse for the time specified in the setup
page. It is possible, however, to specify a pulse time that is different than the pulse time configured in the
setup page. This is done by sending an additional variable called pulseTime along with the desired pulse
The pulseTime variable does not change the pulse time specified in the setup page and is not stored or
recorded. The pulseTime variable only changes the pulse duration for the single pulse initiated by that
command. In other words, you must issue the pulseTime for each pulse command that differs from the
preset pulse time. For example, suppose the pulse time is set to 1.5 seconds in the configuration pages.
To issue one 1.5 second pulse, three 5 second pulses, and another 1.5 second pulse to outlet 1, you
would issue the following commands:
This will pulse Outlet 1 for the preset time
(1.5 seconds)
This will pulse Outlet 1 for 5 seconds
This will pulse Outlet 1 for 5 seconds
This will pulse Outlet 1 for 5 seconds
This will pulse Outlet 1 for the preset time
(1.5 seconds)
Note that or the new IP address would be included on all commands above.
Message Acknowledgment
By default when commands are sent to WebSwitch™, its current state is returned in the form of an XML
page. The commands can also be sent without having WebSwitch™ return the XML page. This is
accomplished by adding the noReply field as follows:
Turn Outlet 1 ON without returning state
Turn Outlet 1 OFF without returning state
Xytronix Research & Design, Inc.