VCU1287 Characterization Board
UG1121 (v1.0) December 11, 2015
Chapter 3:
Board Component Descriptions
USB to Dual UART Bridge
Callout 24,
Figure 2-1
VCU1287 uses a single chip USB-to-dual UART bridge (U32, Silicon Laboratories CP2105) for
simultaneous serial communication between a host terminal and the UltraScale FPGA, and
between a host terminal and the system controller. The onboard micro-B receptacle USB
connector J1 (callout 23,
Figure 2-1
) pinout is connected to the dual-UART bridge.
The FPGA connects through a serial communication terminal connection (115200-8-N-1)
using the standard communication port of the Silicon Labs USB to dual-UART bridge using
four signal pins:
• Transmit (TX)
• Receive (RX)
• Request to send (RTS)
• Clear to send (CTS)
The dual-UART interface connections are split between two components:
• UART1 SCI (standard) interface is connected to the XCVU095 FPGA
• UART2 ECI (enhanced) interface is connected to the XC7Z010 system controller
Silicon Labs provides royalty-free virtual COM port (VCP) drivers for the host computer.
These drivers permit the CP2105GM dual USB-to-UART bridge to appear as a pair of COM
ports to communications application software (for example, TeraTerm or HyperTerm) that
runs on the host computer.
The VCP device drivers must be installed on the host PC prior to establishing
communications with the VCU1287 board.
The driver assigns the higher PC COM port number to UART1 (SCI) and the lower PC COM
port number to UART (ECI).
X-Ref Target - Figure 3-9
Figure 3-9:
Silicon Labs USB to UART Bridge Standard COM Port
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