I n s t a l l a t i o n i n a W i n d o w s E n v i r o n m e n t
C h a p t e r 5 : T C P / I P C o n f i g u r a t i o n
If the unit already has an IP address, these procedures will
not work. However, you can
to the unit to change the
IP parameters.
Assigning IP Address with ARP
This procedure uses the BOOTP protocol. The NIC must be
on the same network segment as the workstation that you are
using to configure it. The TCP/IP stack must be installed and
You can use NTBOOTP Lite to configure the IP address
instead of ARP.
1. From Windows, enter the MS/DOS box. At the command
prompt enter:
[any valid IP address on your network - not the
print server]. The identified unit should reply.
arp -s
[IP address of the NIC] [MAC Address of the
NIC]. The entry should be accepted
[IP address of the NIC]. Request should time out.
2. Recycle the power on the printer, or let the NIC reset
itself. The NIC will produce a status page that should
include the entered IP address.
3. When the NIC is up again, at the command prompt, enter:
[IP address of NIC] (continue until you get a
This this only enters the IP address. You must use the Telnet
facility, as described in the section Running TELNET
(page 5-47), to enter the other IP parameters.
Book.frm : CHAP5.FRM Page 9 Saturday, October 12, 1996 7:43 AM