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Minimal dimming value for changing dimming value with
This parameter can be used to configure which minimum dim-
ming value can be reached via object 13. If a value below the
minimum value is received, the dimmer is controlled with the
minimum value. If a value >0% is set here, the following parame-
ter is also visible:
Switch off dimmer with telegram value 0%
Here it is to select whether the dimmer is switched off when a
value of 0% is received.
Minimal dimming value for changing dimming value with
This parameter can be used to configure which maximum dim-
ming value can be reached via object 13. If a value above the
maximum value is received, the dimmer is controlled with the
maximum value.
Fade time while dimming brighter with object
This fade time is active when the brightness is increased by
relative dimming with object 13. The period refers to a complete
dimming process of 0-100%.
Fade time while dimming darker with object
This fade time is active when the brightness is decreased by
relative dimming with object 13. The period refers to a complete
dimming process of 0-100%.
Object RGB value
To control the dimmer via RGB color value, the following object
is available, if activated via parameter:
Group object
Type KNX
GO 14 Dimmer A: RGB color value - Set
3 Byte
From KNX
RGB value usage
Here it is set how a received RGB color value is to be processed:
Use red part
The 1. byte of the RGB value (red) is used to control
the brightness of the dimmer.
Use green part
The 2. byte of the RGB value (green) is used to control
the brightness of the dimmer.
Use blue part
The 3. byte of the RGB value (blue) is used to control
the brightness of the dimmer.
Use white (min. value of red, green, blue)
The smallest value of the 3 bytes is used to control the
brightness of the dimmer.
Use brightness (max. value of red, green, blue)
The largest value of the 3 bytes is used to control the
brightness of the dimmer.
Minimal value for changing color by object
This parameter can be used to configure which minimum dim-
ming value can be set via object 14. If a value below the mini-
mum value is received, the dimmer is controlled with the minimal
Maximal value for changing color by object
This parameter can be used to configure which maximum dim-
ming value can be set via object 14. If a value above the maxi-
mum value is received, the dimmer is controlled with the maxi-
mum mal value.
Fade time while dimming brighter with object
This dimming time is active when the brightness is increased by
values received via object 14. The time period refers to a com-
plete dimming process of 0-100%.
Fade time while dimming darker with object
This dimming time is active when the brightness is decreased by
values received via object 14. The time period refers to a com-
plete dimming process of 0-100%.
Dimmer A: Staircase function
This parameter page can be used to implement a staircase
function with optional orientation light. The staircase function can
be overridden by the lock function. It has the following objects:
Group object
Type KNX
GO 11 Dimmer A: Staircase function -
1 Bit
From KNX
GO 15 Dimmer A: Day/Night - Switch
1 Bit
From KNX
Day mode is triggered with an ON telegram on object 15, night
mode with an OFF telegram. After a restart, the device is in day
Dimming value on switching on the staircase function (day)
This value is used in day mode when the staircase function is
switched on via ON telegram to object 11.
Dimming value on switching on the staircase function
This value is used in night operation when the staircase function
is switched on via ON telegram to object 11.
Fade time for switching on
This dimming time is active when the staircase function is
switched on via ON telegram to object 11. The period refers to a
complete dimming process of 0-100%.