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Behavior after bus power return
The behavior which is held at the output during the bus power
failure can be configured here.
The following options are selectable:
No reaction
Switch on
Switch off
Behavior after bus power return
Here the behavior of the output after bus power return can be
configured. This behavior will be set after every device restart
(e.g. also on restart after ETS download).
The following options are selectable:
No reaction
Switch on
Switch off
State like before bus power failure
Send state
This parameter defines the behavior of the state objects:
State objects are deactivated and not displayed
Only on read
State objects send only on request
On change
State objects send on value change
Cyclic and on change
State objects send cyclically and on value change
Group object
Type KNX
GO 78 Actuator B: Output - State
1 Bit
GO 79 Actuator B: Valve actuator (PWM)
- State*
1 Byte
* if valve actuator was selected
Time for cyclic state
selected state object “Cyclic and on change“, in this parameter
the cycle time can be set.
Lock function
With this parameter the lock function can be enabled. If this
functionality is activated, the associated group objects as well as
the parameter page “Actuator B: Lock function” are displayed for
further configuration. If the lock has been activated via the group
object "Lock", the received switching telegrams are not execut-
In addition to the lock object, there is also a priority object, which
can be switched independently of the lock. Thus, it is possible to
set an output state without affecting other functions.
Group object
Type KNX
GO 75 Actuator B: Lock - Activate
1 Bit
From KNX
GO 76 Actuator B: Prior. output - Switch
1 Bit
From KNX
Example of the priority object:
In the case of events in public buildings or in restaurants, the
normal operation can be set into an inoperative state by the lock
group object. Thus it is possible to lock during the lecture or
concert, switches that are accessible to unauthorized persons, in
order to prevent unmeant switching. Nevertheless, the individual
lamps can controlled by use of the priority object without cancel-
ing the lock.
Actuator B: Lock function
Polarity of object
The following options are selectable:
Lock active on 1
Lock active on 0
Behavior on start
This parameter configures, which state the output should set, if
the lock activates.
The following options are selectable:
No reaction
Switch on
Switch off
This output state can still be changed by the priority object.
Behavior at end
This parameter defines, which state the output should set, if the
lock deactivates.
The following options are selectable:
No reaction
Switch on
Switch off
State before lock
This restores the original state before the lock was ac-
tivated. Switching telegrams received during the lock
are ignored.
State without lock
Here the state of the last received switching telegram
is restored. This takes into account the received
switching telegrams during the lock. Thus, when the
lock is deactivated, the last received switching tele-
gram is set.
Function (Switch dimmer)
In this operating mode, for example a dimmer power supply is
switched automatically. With a dimming value of 0% the relay
switches off, with a dimming value >0% it switches on. The
following parameter is also available:
Delay before switching off the relay
To avoid frequent switching off, a delay time before switching off
can be defined here.