Diagnostic Software
5.2.1 WL-RX-900 Radio Diagnostics
WL-RX-900 modules have a diagnostic tool that lets you monitor radio
communications to help you troubleshoot problems with your unit.
To monitor radio communications on a WL-RX-900 series module
1. Open the WL Series Configuration software with your PC connected to the module
via the serial link.
2. Open the relevant project and select the unit you want to troubleshoot.
3. Click <Diagnostics>.
4. Click <Start Comms>.
5. The display shows the radio messages received. Messages starting with RX
indicate a received message, WL Series Configuration Software also shows the RSSI
(radio signal strength indication) in dBm at the end of each received message.
6. To view additional information about a message, select the message line with the
mouse. WL Series Configuration Software shows additional information about the
message at the bottom of the screen including the system address, RSSI and CRC
(i.e. error-check) status.
To stop decoding “comms logging”, click <Stop Comms> button.
Other options allow data to be logged to a file, so that the data can be reviewed later
(Open Log File).