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This troubleshooting guide has been provided to help you diagnose and solve most problems that you may encounter
with your Thermalaire EP RTF. Most problems encountered can be solved by carefully following the problem-cause-
solution sections below. If you cannot solve the problem using this troubleshooting guide, please feel free to contact us
at the address or phone number listed on page # 3.
1) Transmitter does not turn on
A) Transmitter batteries are depleted
A) Replace batteries with new ones
B) Transmitter batteries are not installed properly
B) Reinstall the batteries, double checking
the polarity
2) Tail servos do not work
A) Flight battery is depleted
A) Recharge flight battery
B) Flight battery is not plugged in or is loose
B) Check that the flight battery is plugged
in firmly
C) A crash has damaged an internal component
C) Refer to the warranty information on the
back cover of this manual
3) Motor does not turn on
A) Flight battery is not plugged in
A) Plug in flight battery
B) Flight battery is depleted
B) Recharge flight battery
C) Loose connection between the motor and ESC
C) Make sure all connections are secure
and/or the ESC and the receiver
D) A crash has damaged an internal component
D) Refer to the warranty information on the
back cover of this manual
4) The airplane is difficult
A) You may be flying in too much wind
A) Fly when it is calm outside
to control
B) The control surfaces are out of trim
B) Center the control surfaces by adjusting
the pushrods as described on page # 17
C) The flight battery is depleted
C) Land and recharge the flight battery
D) Transmitter batteries are depleted
D) Replace batteries with new ones
E) You are over-controlling
E) Be careful not to over-control. Apply
only small, gentle control inputs
5) The airplane always
A) The left/right trim lever is out of adjustment
A) Adjust the trim lever on the transmitter
turns to the left or right
until the airplane flies straight
without control input
6) The airplane always climbs
A) The up/down trim lever is out of adjustment
A) Adjust the trim lever on the transmitter
or descends
until the airplane flies level without
control input
7) Cannot trim the airplane
A) Control surfaces are too far out of trim
A) Readjust the pushrods as described on
using the trim levers
page # 17
8) The propeller hits the front
A) Propeller blades fold back when motor is off
A) This is normal. It reduces drag while
of the cowling
9) The radio system fails the
A) Transmitter batteries are low or depleted
A) Replace batteries with new ones
range check
B) The flight battery is low or depleted
B) Recharge the flight battery
C) The receiver antenna is not extended outside
C) Extend the receiver antenna so it hangs
the fuselage
outside of the fuselage
D) You're too far away from the model during the test
D) Range test 50 feet away from the model
E) The radio system is not functioning properly
E) Refer to the warranty information on the
back cover of this manual
10) The flight battery gets hot
A) It's normal for the battery to be warm. If it's hot to
A) Remove the battery from the charger
during charging
the touch, it's overcharged
Section 9: Troubleshooting Guide