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Step 3: Landing
All landings should be made flying straight into the wind with the wing level.
Move the throttle control lever completely to the left to turn off the motor. At this point the airplane will begin to
descend. Allow the airplane to gradually descend. If the airplane seems to be descending too fast, gently pull back on the
control stick to make the airplane slow its descent. This will also slow the airplane down. Once the airplane has slowed
down and is descending gradually, release the control stick and allow the airplane to continue its descent. Once the
airplane is about 15 feet off the ground make sure the wing is level and continue a shallow descent. Just before touch-
down, gently pull back on the control stick to level the airplane with the ground for landing.
If you need to turn the airplane while flying slowly, make shallow, gentle turns. Do not turn too steeply.
Be careful not to allow the airplane to get too slow during landing. If the airplane gets too slow, it could stall and crash.
It's better to land at a higher speed than normal until you get more familiar with the airplane.
To turn the Thermalaire, gently move the control stick in the direction you want the airplane to go and hold it for a
second or two. After the airplane starts turning in the direction you want it to, let go of the control stick.
Because of the polyhedral wing design, the wing will level itself from a shallow turn - after releasing the control stick.
If you get into too sharp a turn or if you want to level the wings sooner, move the control stick in the opposite direction that
you turned. When the wing levels off, release the control stick. Remember, don't over-control.
The longer you hold the control stick over, the tighter radius the airplane will turn in. We recommend gentle turns until
you are proficient with the flight characteristics of the airplane.
If the airplane always turns one direction or the other, use the sliding trim lever (as described on page # 16) to make
the airplane fly level.
The Thermalaire's altitude is controlled by moving the control stick forward and back. If you want the airplane to
climb, gently pull back on the control stick. If you want the airplane to descend, gently push forward on the control stick.
To make it easier to learn to fly, we suggest reducing the throttle to slow the airplane down. It is easier to learn to fly when
the airplane is flying slower because you have more time to react to what you're doing.
When going into a turn, the airplane will have a natural tendency to lose some altitude. Unless you want to descend,
you should gently pull back on the control stick to keep the airplane level during the turn. The steeper the turn the more
altitude the airplane will lose.
If you are flying in a light wind, the airplane will tend to climb as you turn into the wind. In this instance, you will need
to level off the airplane by pushing forward gently on the control stick. When you turn down-wind, the airplane will have
a natural tendency to lose altitude. In this instance, you should pull back gently on the control stick.