For more cool and exciting Wattage products, visit our website at http://watt-age.globalhobby.com
While holding the horizontal control surface even with the
horizontal tail, use a phillips head screwdriver to tighten the set
screw in the top of the adjustable servo connector.
While holding the vertical control surface even with the
vertical tail, use a phillips head screwdriver to tighten the set
screw in the top of the adjustable servo connector.
Step 10: Installing the Wing
Set the wing into the wing saddle and align the brass insert in the leading edge of the wing with the pin in the
fuselage's forward bulkhead.
Slide the wing forward completely, making sure the brass insert slides over the pin.
Insert the two nylon bolts through the two predrilled
holes in the top of the wing and thread them into the
plywood mounting block preinstalled in the fuselage.
Tighten the two screws using a large flat blade
Do not overtighten the screws or you may crush the wing.