Need help or have any questions? Call us at 1-714-963-0329 or send us an email at [email protected]
Thank you for purchasing the new Wattage Thermalaire EP RTF and welcome to
the sport of radio control flying. Before completing the final assembly of your
new airplane, please carefully read through this instruction manual in its entirety.
Doing so will ensure success the first time around!
To make your modeling experience totally enjoyable, we recommend that you get experienced, knowledgeable help with
assembly and during your first flights. Your local hobby shop has information about flying clubs in your area whose
membership includes qualified instructors. If there is no hobby shop in your area, we recommend that you contact the
AMA at the address below. They will be able to help you locate a flying field near you.
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive
Muncie IN 47302-9252
(800) 435-9262
When learning to fly model airplanes we strongly suggest seeking out a local model airplane flying
club in your area.
The Thermalaire EP RTF is the perfect airplane for both beginners and more experienced fliers alike. Beginners will
appreciate the Thermalaire's quick, easy assembly and forgiving slow-speed flight characteristics. More experienced
flyers will appreciate the Thermalaire's great flight qualities and quality balsa construction. Because of its size and
electric motor, the Thermalaire can be flown almost anywhere, too.
Thermalaire EP RTF Features:
All wood construction
Factory-covered in real iron-on covering material
Screwdriver-simple assembly - no glue required
Molded canopy is factory installed
Includes a factory-installed electric motor and low-drag folding propeller
Factory-installed Hitec Focus III AM radio system with Wattage IC-380 Super ESC
Final assembly is quick and easy. Only simple tools are required.
The Hitec Focus III AM radio system (transmitter & receiver) included with the Thermalaire EP RTF operates on the
72Mhz frequency band for aircraft use only. By Federal FCC regulations it is illegal to use the included radio system
(transmitter & receiver) for any other use than operating R/C aircraft. Use in ground vehicles is strictly prohibited.
Each Hitec Focus III AM radio system comes with crystals and stickers on the back of the transmitter and on the
receiver showing which frequency the radio operates on within the 72Mhz band. No two radio systems can operate
nearby each other if they are on the same frequency.
The transmitter is a powerful device that transmits its signal farther than you can see your airplane. For this reason we
suggest checking around to make sure there are no other flyers or flying sites near you that you can't see. This will
prevent you from interfering with other flyers who might be on the same frequency as you. You can purchase transmit-
ter and receiver crystals separately and change them if someone else nearby is on the same frequency as you.