Need help or have any questions? Call us at 1-714-963-0329 or send us an email at [email protected]
Step 1: Hand Launching
You should always launch the Thermalaire into the wind. Determine wind direction by tossing some blades of grass
into the air and watching which direction they fall.
Turn on the transmitter, then the airborne system.
In your throwing hand grasp the airplane from the base of the fuselage, directly below the center of the wing, and hold
it up above shoulder level.
While keeping clear of the propeller, push the throttle control lever all the way to the right. The motor should be at
full power and the propeller should be spinning at a high rate of speed.
With the motor at full power, firmly toss the airplane straight ahead and level. Do not throw it up or down.
After launching the airplane, fly straight ahead and level for about 20 - 30 feet to allow the airplane to build up
flying speed. You may need to hold a slight amount of back stick to keep the airplane level and prevent it from
Do not try to climb until after the airplane picks up sufficient airspeed. Climbing too steeply too quickly will result in a
stall and crash.
Step 2: Flying
After you've launched the Thermalaire and the flying speed has picked up, keep the motor running at full power and
apply a small amount of back stick to put the airplane into a shallow climb.
Be careful not to over-control. You don't need to move the control stick very much to make the airplane do what you
want it to. Moving the control stick too much will only result in the airplane pitching and rolling severely.
After reaching about 80 - 100 feet of altitude you should start making shallow turns to keep the airplane near you.
Don't fly the Thermalaire too far away from you or you could lose sight of it.
Control Stick Overview:
Control Stick Right
Airplane Turns Right
Control Stick Left
Airplane Turns Left
Control Stick Back
Airplane Climbs
Control Stick Forward
Airplane Descends
Section 7: Flying the Thermalaire EP RTF