Connect Devices
852-1305 8/4-Port 100BASE-T/1000BASE-SX/LX
Pos: 23 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschriften/Ebene 1/Geräte anschließ en - Überschrift 1 @ 3\mod_1234172889468_21.docx @ 27460 @ 1 @ 1
Connect Devices
Pos: 24.1 /Serie 852 (ETH ERNET-Zubehör)/Anschließ en/Anschluss Spannungsversorgung 852- x30x @ 24\mod_1452259767257_21.docx @ 197919 @ 2 @ 1
Power Supply
The industrial managed switch uses direct current power supply for 12 … 60 V.
The primary and secondary network link is established via a 6-pin plug-in
connection located on the top of the industrial managed switch.
The female connector is composed of six connecting terminals and can be inserted
and removed easily by hand to connect to the 6-pin plug connector located on the
top of the switch.
The power supply for the industrial managed switch automatically adjusts to the
local power source and can also be switched On if no or not all patch cables are
Check whether the power LED on the front lights up when the device is
switched ON. If not, check that the power cable is correctly and securely
plugged in.
If a secondary power supply is connected, the RPS LED lights up.
PWR +/- conductors:
To connect or disconnect the conductors, actuate the spring in the female
connector directly using a screwdriver or an operating tool and insert or
remove the conductor.
For the backup DC connection, follow the same procedure as above. Attach
power wires to the female connector (in the position marked “RPS +/-”).
Plug the female connector into the male connector of the switch if it has not
already been plugged in.
Check whether the power LED on the top of the device lights up when
power is supplied to the device. If not, check to ensure that the power cable
is plugged in correctly and fits securely.
Pos: 24.2 /Dokumentation allgemei n/Glieder ungselemente/---Seitenwechsel--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1