312 I/O Modules
750-880, 750-880/025-000 ETHERNET Programmable Fieldbus Controller
Version 1.0.1
Pos: 115.1 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Prozessabbild Mapping/ETHERNET - EtherNet/IP - MODBUS/TCP/PA ETHERNET - MODBUS/TCP Einleitung Prozessdatenaufbau (750-830, -842, -849, Controller) @ 5\mod_1253542489968_21.doc @ 41903 @ 2 @ 1
Process Data Architecture for MODBUS/TCP
With some I/O modules, the structure of the process data is fieldbus specific.
In the case of a fieldbus controller with MODBUS/TCP, the process image uses a
word structure (with word alignment). The internal mapping method for data
greater than one byte conforms to the Intel format.
The following section describes the process image for various WAGO-I/O-
SYSTEM 750 and 753 I/O modules when using a fieldbus controller with
For the PFC process image of the programmable fieldbus controller is the
structure of the process data mapping identical.
Pos: 115.2 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Prozessabbild Mapping/ETHERNET - EtherNet/IP - MODBUS/TCP/PA ETHERNET- Digitale Klemmen MODBUS/TCP (750-342, -352, -830, -842, -849) @ 5\mod_1253542361394_21.doc @ 41900 @ 344444443444444444 @ 1
Equipment damage due to incorrect address!
Depending on the specific position of an I/O module in the fieldbus node, the
process data of all previous byte or bit-oriented modules must be taken into
account to determine its location in the process data map.