Doc. V2.3 VXCO Lighting Systems © 1998 - 2016
[Save to Disk]: copies the calculated show to hard disk
[Save to card]: copies the calculated show file to the SD Card (as long as there is enough free memory
[Go Standalone]: sets interface to Stand Alone Mode while still connected to the computer. This is
useful for testing.
[Card Info]: displays the content of the SD card
[Copy File to card] : copies a show file from the hard drive to the SD-card
[Copy File from Card] : copies a show file from the SD card to the hard drive
[Erase selected File] : erases selected file from SD card
SD- cards should be formatted according to FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32. If you are uncertain, format the
card (all files will be erased!)
Up to 10 show files can be selected from the SD-card (files 1-10 on the card) for Stand Alone Mode.
Subsequent files (11 and up) are ignored.
The names of a show file may not be longer than 8 characters. Long file names are not supported.
Show files that are not copied to the SD Card from the DMXCreator (i.e. from Explorer) must not be
fragmented. They need to be copied in one piece. The DMXCreator ignores fragmented show files
If the interface is connected to the pc, please switch it to USB-power (switch on interface) and not to
Ext. (power supply). Only use the power supply if the interface is to run in Standalone mode (USB cable
Subdirectories on the SD-card are ignored. Show files are only played from the main directory.
DMXCreator Showfiles (file extension xxx.d1k) cannot be saved directly to an SD-Card. Stand Alone
Mode only works with xxx.d1s files.