Doc. V2.3 VXCO Lighting Systems © 1998 - 2016
Adjust room size and details:
Enter “Settings”, “Room Size”:
Room size: Adjust the proportions of the virtual room in terms of width, height and depth settings.
Room Wires / Fixture Wires: Shows or hide the outlines of the fixture bodies or 3D room
- With the installation of DirectX 9.0 (see above) the following attributes can be adjusted on the right hand
[Common Light direction] <position of light source>
Beam Transparency] <intensity of light beams>
[Material Intensity] < intensity of 3D objects>
- Using the [Room Wires] options enables the conversion of the room borders (white lines) into a gray
shaded wall representation. If Direct-X 9.0 is installed, it is possible to replace this wall with a user defined
image. Because the room is limited to six sides, the DMXCreator uses an overview that includes all six
sides. The file has to be saved in the \3dobj\ folder. The following sample file is included with the software
installation, and may be changed using the applicable software. The name of the file must be „room.jpg“.