Doc. V2.3 VXCO Lighting Systems © 1998 - 2016
There are 3 modes available:
Use for Sequences: Select sequences from one view only (layer)
Use for Cues: Select cues from one view only (layer)
Use for MS Player: Define up to 32 areas (layers) and select sequences. These areas work
independently from each other (acts like a multi sequence player)
If you select this function, another rider called “MS” is available:
Select the number of players (areas, layers) you like to work with
Set the bar position to the side ot on top
After that, you may select which sequence should appear on which player (area, layer):
Click on the first area (#1) on top of your Touch Panel window. Now select the sequences you like to see
on area #1 by clicking into the coloumn on the left side of the sequences selection window pictured below.
Proceed the same way for all other areas you like to use. The name of the player corresponds to the
entered name in the multisequence selection list (Cue / Sequence)