Doc. V2.3 VXCO Lighting Systems © 1998 - 2016
34 The Rotation Tool
The Rotation Tool enables you to rotate / mirror any generated figure or existing Sequence within the
Pan/Tilt field.
8.2.6 The Fixture Group Window
If you have a large number, or different types of fixtures within a Show, it is helpful to create fixture-groups
for the Master. The creation of fixture groups is done in the same way as the selection for the Master-Mode:
Hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard, and select the fixtures for the group by pressing on their icons
(the text under the icon will appear in red).
Should the fixture icons lie close to each other on the icon Plan, you can outline them by holding down the
CTRL key, and pointing at the outermost fixture icon (the text field under the icon will appear red). Next,
outline the fixtures for your groups by holding the left mouse button down, and dragging a box around the
icons. All text fields of the fixture icons will appear in red.
Open the Fixture-Group window, and press the “+” –button to create a group out of the selected fixtures.
Mirror Vertical /
Angle of Rotation in
Apply to Sequence
Add Group
Delete Group
Fixtures within Group
Selected Group
Switch Master Off