adjusts the amount of light or brightness for the selected camera according to your
adjusts the difference between light and dark areas or contrast for the selected camera
according to your preference.
adjusts the amount of color for the selected camera.
adjusts the dominant color for the selected camera.
adjusts the video quality for each camera. The default setting is 80. We recommend that you do
not set this to 100 to avoid a slower rate of video transmission and using up a significant amount of hard
disk space.
Compression Boost:
enables you to compress the video signal to save disk space and thus extend
recording time. It is recommended to keep this setting to None. The higher the compression boost, the
lower the video data rate. For a significantly lower data rate, we recommend you use the H.263 algorithm.
Auto Gain Control:
enables automatic gain control to adjust the video signal strength.
Mirror Horizontal:
flips the video signal from the selected camera along the horizontal axis.
Mirror Vertical:
flips the video signal from the selected camera along the vertical axis.
Max Connection:
limits the maximum number of connections allowed to access the VP-404/4048 over
the Internet. Set to zero to allow the maximum number of connections.
Max Bandwidth:
sets the maximum bandwidth in bytes/second that can be used by users connecting to
the VP-404/4048 over the Internet.
Max Conn. Bandwidth:
sets the maximum bandwidth allocated for each connection to the VP-404/4048.
This is the maximum bandwidth divided by the maximum connections.
Water Mark:
Sets water mark on the video image.
Local Display:
enables viewing the selected camera video signal on the local display. If this option is set
to Off, the camera is still optional and its video can be recorded if needed.
PTZ Device:
Choice one PTZ from our support list. If user can’t find out PTZ camera, please contact us.
PTZ baud rate:
each camera have different baud rate, please set correctly.
PTZ time out:
The timeout value represents the time given to the cameras to respond to a command.
each camera can define different ID, please set correctly when you have up to 2 PTZ cameras in
one system.
320 x 240 or 640 x 480 resolution for each camera.
Copy Camera Configuration To :
User can select cameras and press “ok” button to copy the
configuration of current camera to the selected cameras.
3.15.3 Video input
To map physical camera inputs onto video window positions on the display screen. You don’t have to
map camera#1 to position#1 as in the example below. You can map camera#1 to any position from #1
to #12.