Motion Search Setup
This function is similar to
’s Motion detection function. You can
search for the changing of the picture when playback. Under setup
command, select Motion Search Setup, and the below will pop up:
Setup is similar to
’s motion detection setup. You will require
selecting active motion search after setup to active this function. During
playback, use the left mouse button to mask an area. Maximum of three
mask area.
VG Player
will automatically fast forward until the movement is
detected. If
Pause when motion detected
is selected, playback will pause
and keep searching until play button is clicked. If
Pause when motion
is not selected, when motion detected, playback will be back to
normal speed until the movement is stopped. Then fast forward to search for
other movement. To cancel all mask area, click once on the left mouse
button on the playback images.
11.5 Continuous
Under setup command, select active continually playback. Program will
automatically search for the closest file for the same camera under the same
directory and automatically playback.
Caption Display Setup
You will be able to setup the caption message types, which are Card name,
camera name, start time, time now, end time and local time for the recorded