Subtract 1 / Next / Slow Speed Playback
1. Under normal operation: Subtract 1 when setting numbers or next one
selection button.
2. Under playback mode: Playback speed will be changes each time you
press the button to 1/2
1/8 slow speed playback
Downward Button / PIP Function
1. Under normal operation: Move selection downward
2. When both recording and playback is functioning: to activate PIP
functions; To display both recording and playback images we call it PIP
function. PIP sub-window’s location can be altered. Detail information
will be described later on.
Note: PIP function can only be done when connecting VGA output to
VGA monitor. TV output to TV Monitor will not display this
Add 1 / Last One / Fast Speed Forward
1. Under normal operation: Add 1 when setting numbers or last one
selection button
2. Under playback mode: Playback speed will be changes each time you
press the button to 2
8 fast speed playback
Cancel / Stop / Alarm Log Button
1. Under normal operation: To cancel setting
2. Under playback mode: To stop image playback.
3. Not under playback or setting mode: To view alarm log. Detail
information will be described later on.
Note: This button is not the stop recording button. Press of this
button cannot stop recording. You will have to select the stop
recording function from system setting.