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Installation Guide
Power Monitoring
E31E Series
Panel 1,
Strip A
Panel 1,
Strip B
Panel 2,
Strip A
Panel 2,
Strip B
If the signed power factor feature is NOT
enabled, then the current sensor orientation
does not affect meter behavior.
If this feature IS enabled, orient the current
sensors so that the arrow points toward the
load for proper operation.
Align ribbon
cable key with
connector keyhole.
5. Connect the adapter boards to the main board using ribbon cable. Ribbon cables are keyed to ensure proper installation.
6. Connect the current sensors to the terminals on the adapter boards.
7. Plastic cable ties are included with the product for strain relief. Insert the strain relief device into one of the available holes on
the adapter board (A). Gather all current sensor wires connected to that adapter board and secure the cable tie around them (B).
Installation (cont.)
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