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Installation Guide
Power Monitoring
E31E Series
3. Choose a location to mount the adapter boards in the same panel as the E31E. Mount the adapter boards using either DIN rail or
A. DIN Rail: Use the supplied screws to secure the plastic DIN clip to the adapter board. Affix the clip to the DIN rail.
DIN Option 1: Vertical Mount
DIN Option 2: Horizontal Mount
B. SNAPTRACK: Secure the SNAPTRACK to the mounting surface. Click the adapter board into place.
4. Install the current sensors onto the conductors to be monitored.
Orientation Note: If the signed power factor feature is NOT enabled, then the current sensor orientation does not affect meter
behavior. If this feature IS enabled, orient the current sensors so that the arrow points toward the load for proper operation.
Note: Clean split-core contact surfaces before closing. The hinge can detach, allowing the base and the top to separate for
easier cleaning and installation.
Close current sensors until the clasp
clicks into place to ensure that contact
surfaces are firmly seated.
The 50 A CT accepts a maximum #2 AWG (0.384” O.D.) wire with THHN insulation.
The 100 A CT accepts a maximum 3/0 AWG (0.584” O.D.) wire with THHN insulation.
The 200 A CT accepts a maximum of 350 MCM wire with THHN insulation.
Installation (cont.)
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