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Installation Guide
Power Monitoring
E31E Series
BACnet PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement)
Vendor Name: Veris Industries
BACnet Vendor ID 133
Product Name: E31E Series Branch Circuit Monitor
Product Model Number: <Model Number>
Product Description: Branch Circuit Monitor
BACnet Protocol Version: Version 1 Revision 12
BACnet Standardized Device Profile (Annex L) – [Note: E31E incorporates a gateway device]
BACnet Application Specific Controller (B‐ASC)
BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks Supported (Annex K):
K.1.2 BIBB ‐ Data Sharing ‐ ReadProperty‐B (DS‐RP‐B)
K.1.4 BIBB ‐ Data Sharing ‐ ReadPropertyMultiple‐B (DS‐RPM‐B)
K.1.8 BIBB ‐ Data Sharing ‐ WriteProperty‐B (DS‐WP‐B)
K.1.10 BIBB ‐ Data Sharing ‐ WritePropertyMultiple‐B (DS‐WPM‐B)
K.1.12 BIBB ‐ Data Sharing ‐ COV‐B (DS‐COV‐B)
K.2.2 BIBB ‐ Alarm and Event‐Notification Internal‐B (AE‐N‐I‐B)
K.2.5 BIBB ‐ Alarm and Event‐ACK‐B (AE‐ACK‐B)
K.2.11 BIBB ‐ Alarm and Event‐Information‐B (AE‐INFO‐B)
K.5.2 BIBB ‐ Device Management ‐ Dynamic Device Binding‐B (DM‐DDB‐B)
K.5.4 BIBB ‐ Device Management ‐ Dynamic Object Binding‐B (DM‐DOB‐B)
K.5.6 BIBB ‐ Device Management ‐ DeviceCommunicationControl‐B (DM‐DCC‐B)
K.5.12 BIBB ‐ Device Management ‐ TimeSyncronization‐B (DM‐TS‐B)
K.5.22 BIBB ‐ Device Management – List Manipulation‐B (DM‐LM‐B)
K.5.20 BIBB – Device Management-Restart-B (DM-R-B)
Standard Object Types Supported
Device Object
Analog Input
Analog Output
Analog Value
Unsupported Properties and Restrictions
Does not support BACnet CreateObject
Does not support BACnet DeleteObject
Does not support any proprietary properties
No proprietary properties exist
No range restrictions exist
Max_Master is writable
Data Link Layer Options:
BACnet IP, (Annex J)
MS/TP master (Clause 9), baud rate up to 76.8 kbps
Networking Options:
BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device (BBMD)
Registrations by Foreign Devices
Character Sets Supported:
ISO 10646 (UTF-8) / ANSI X3.4
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