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Installation Guide
Power Monitoring
E31E Series
General BACnet
The E31E consists of a BACnet virtual router and one or two 42-channel branch circuit meters. The BACnet virtual router has its
own device object and an internal BACnet network. The branch circuit monitors have their own device objects that are logical
devices on the network internal to (beneath) the virtual router. It is critical that the network number of the virtual router’s
internal network be different than any other network number in your entire BACnet system. The network number is set to 50 at
the factory, but can be changed in the GUI or by writing to the Present_Value of the AV2 data object associated with that device.
Changes to the network number do not take affect until the E31E is re-started, either from the GUI or by cycling the power.
The default Device ID of the virtual router is the Device_Offset parameter, which is set to 5000 at the factory, but can be changed
in the GUI or by writing to Present_Value of the the AV1 data object associated with that device. Changes to the network number
do not take affect until the E31E is re-started, either from the GUI or by cycling the power. The default Device IDs are numbered
to consecutively follow the Device ID of the virtual router (e.g. if the Device_Offset parameter is 50000, the virtual router has a
Device_ID of 50000, the branch circuit monitor called Panel 1 has a Device_ID of 50001 and the branch circuit monitor called
Panel 2 (if present) has a Device_ID of 50002.
All Device_IDs are writable. Once a device’s Object_Identifier is overwritten, changes to the ID Offset no longer affect that
Object_Identifier, even in Discovery mode. Make further changes to the value by writing the Object_Identifier property.
The default Object_Name property value of each device object is an abbreviated name of the meter series discovered with
an underscore and the Modbus address of the meter appended to it. The Object_Name is a writable property. Once a device’s
Object_Name is overwritten, the Object_Name does not revert to the initial default, even in Discovery mode. Make further
changes to the value by writing the Object_name property.
The E31E supports Subscribe_COV, with default COV increment values assigned as shown in the data object tables. If these values
are not appropriate for a specific application, write them as needed when they are subscribed. On subsequent power cycles, no
subscriptions are active and the COV increments return to their default values.
With few exceptions, any data values written to AV objects are accepted (without error) by the data object and passed through
to the corresponding Modbus register. There is no direct indication via the BACnet protocol if invalid values are rejected. After an
invalid value is written to the Present_Value of an AV, subsequent reads of that property return the new (invalid) value until the
next time the E31E refreshes its data (this may take several seconds).
BBMD Support
When the E31E is in BACnet IP mode, it can be configured as a BBMD device by entering “BBMD” in the Enable BBMD Support field
in the GUI, adding devices to a comma separated value text file named bdt.ini, and loading it onto the device. The example below
shows the syntax required for the bdt.ini file. All lines beginning with two forward slashes are interpreted as comments. Use
exactly one line per device added, separated by commas (no spaces). The file must include an entry (line) for each BBMD device
in the BAcnet enterprise, including the E31E itself. Note: the default gateway address in the network setup must be correct for
BBMD support to operate correctly. Once edited, upload the btd.ini file to the gateway through the GUI. Click the <Diagnostics and
Debugging> button in the lower right corner of the GUI and follow the folder tree under Navigation to the following folder: “Veris
Industries E3x Series Gateway/Setup/File Transfer.” Select the “General” tab (this is important - using the wrong tab can overwrite
critical files). Click the <Browse> button and select your bdt.ini file. Then click <Submit>. The GUI quickly indicates “The file
was updated successfully.” Click the <System Restart> button, click <OK> on the confirmation dialog and wait for the gateway
to reinitialize (takes about 30 seconds). BBMD changes are made by uploading a new btd.ini file. After setting the GUI to enable
BBMD support and transferring a new or revised bdt.ini file, restart the E31E to load the file. BBMD support can be disabled in the
GUI by entering “-” (a hyphen) in the Enable BBMD Supprt filed in the GUI.
// Bdt.ini
// The format of this table must be (without the forward slashes - they are comment indicators):
//BBMD IP_Address , BBMD port , BBMD subnet Mask
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