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Installation Guide
Power Monitoring
E31E Series
The following sections show the field selections (with factory default values) specific to each of the four Protocol_Modes.
1. BACnet MS/TP mode
The first three options are discussed previously.
The DeviceID_Offset parameter is used to assign Device_IDs on power-up or on restart until they have been overwritten via
BACnet. Enter a different value here and click submit. The new value is first used at the next power-up or system restart. Valid
Device_ID numbers range from 1 to 4194303. Since the numbers assigned during discovery are the sum of the Offset and the
Modbus address (which can be any value from 1-255), the Offset values entered in the GUI must be no larger than 4194055.
The E31E gateway creates a BACnet virtual router and separate BACnet devices for each 42-channel meter panel behind this virtual
router, allowing the devices to be discoverable and independently accessed via BACnet, even if the virtual router is connected by
MS/TP, using a single MAC address. To use this product with MS/TP, the BACnet system must support the discovery and use of a
BACnet router on the MS/TP trunk and any devices beyond it. This virtual router creates an exclusive BACnet network on which
the meter’s BACnet devices reside. This network must have a BACnet network number that is different from any other networks in
the entire BACnet enterprise. When multiple E31E products are added anywhere in the enterprise, each one must have a unique
network number. Failure to set an exclusive value in this field causes communication conflicts in the BACnet system.
Enter a non-conflicting value here and click submit. Valid network numbers range from 1 to 65534; if other values are entered,
the network number defaults to 5. The new value is first used at the next power-up or system restart. If using an external BACnet
router to connect the E31E as an MS/TP device, it is recommended that the router also be restarted after the E31E has completed
discovery, when the network number is changed.
Configuration (cont.)
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