VEMCO - VR2C Manual
Jul 2018
Real-Time Mode (RTM)
Real-time mode (RTM) refers to the ability of the VR2C to transmit tag detection information in the ASCII
format on a user specified schedule over the RS232/RS485 serial port with or without user interaction. Once
enabled, RTM allows a host (eg. third-party datalogger, PC, serial terminal) to simply listen to the VR2C
serial port and pipe the VR2C’s ASCII input data stream to a file or straight to a terminal where it can be
easily read without complicated interpretation. Alternatively, RTM can be used in a polled configuration
where the VR2C outputs ASCII tag detection information only when explicitly instructed (polled mode),
rather than on an automatic schedule. The VR2C’s RTM output schedule timing is highly configurable by
selecting one of three RTM Profiles. These profiles are described in detail under the RTMPROFILE=
command description in section
The VR2C outputs RTM data as follows:
receiver serial number
3 digit line counter (000-999)
event time as 24 hour UTC time as
either VR2C status information or tag detection information
8-bit hex sum of all characters preceding the trailing “
carriage return, line feed (0x0D, 0x0A)
VR2C status information is displayed following an STS identifier as a list of XX=Value pairs. An example
of a VR2C RTM status line output is shown below:
450088,007,2013-09-09 14:33:34,STS,DC=39,PC=326,LV=12.0,BV=3.6,BU=8.5,
DC =
Detection count
PC =
Ping count
LV =
Line Voltage in Volts
BV =
Battery Voltage in Volts
BU =
Battery used in percent
I =
Current consumption in milliamps
Internal receiver temperature in Celsius
DU =
Detection memory used in percent
RU =
Raw memory used in percent
Tilt information in G’s as X.XX:Y.YY:Z.ZZ.
+1 on the X axis with 0 on the Y and Z axis indicates that the VR2C is vertical with
the hydrophone pointing upward
VR2C RTM tag detections are displayed as follows:
450088,002,2013-09-09 14:32:52,A69-1105,90,152,#03\r\n
Sensor Tag; ID = 90, A2D = 152
450088,006,2013-09-09 14:33:12,A69-1105,91,29,#D8\r\n
Sensor Tag; ID = 91, A2D = 29
450088,010,2013-09-09 14:33:57,A69-1601,179,#7D\r\n
Standard Tag; ID = 179
450088,011,2013-09-09 14:34:03,A69-1601,191,#70\r\n
Standard Tag; ID = 191
Note: Sensor tag values are output in A2D counts only. Refer to the sensor tag specification sheet for the
appropriate slope and intercept value in order to convert the A2D counts to SI units.