integral part of the standard.
Service Bandwidth Profile
Phase 2: Service Performance Test
Services running on the same line are tested simultaneously over an extended period of time, to verify network robustness. Service
Acceptance Criteria (SAC) including Frame Transfer Delay (FTD), Frame Delay Variation (FDV), Frame Loss Ratio (FLR) and
Availability (AVAIL) are verified for each service.
13.2 V-SAM Setup
13.2.1 General Settings
General (Page 1)
Default, Save, Save as New.
# of Services:
Select the number of services to run. Up to 8 services can be chosen for a 1 GE interface.
IR (Information Rate), ULR (Utilized Line Rate)
Configuration Test:
Enable or Disable the configuration test.
Configuration Test Step:
Specify min and max duration for the configuration test step.
Performance Test:
Enable or Disable the performance test.
Perf. Test Duration:
Selections are 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour 2 hours, 24 hours, and user defined. User defined enables the
user to specify min and max duration for the performance test.
General (Page 2)
CIR Test Config.:
Select Simple Test, Step Load Test, or Simple and Step.
Simple Test:
Starts the tests at the CIR.
Step Load Test:
Starts the test below the CIR and continues in steps until it reaches the CIR.
Simple and Step Load Test:
Step Load Test performs only if the Simple Validation test fails.
Step #:
Tap on the corresponding box to enter the percentage of CIR that the test will reach for each step.
V-SAM Setup (Page 1)
V-SAM Setup (Page 2) - Simple and Step Load Test
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