Remote loopback
Fault detection
Collecting Performance Statistics (function not supported in current software release)
Organizational Specific Extensions (function not supported in current software release)
Link OAM Setup (Page 1)
Link OAM Setup (Page 2)
802.3ah OAM
: Tap on the check box to start 802.3ah protocol testing. Transmission of OAM PDUs starts as soon as the
box is checked.
OAM Mode:
Select Active or Passive mode from the drop-down menu. Active and passive mode determines the type of
actions the test set will take. For more on acceptable Active/Passive mode combinations and actions, see section 10.3.1
Vendor OUI and SPI
: Organization Unique identifier and Vendor specific information (similar to MAC address fields).
Max PDU Length
: Advertised Max OAM PDU size (64 to 1518). After Discovery, the lowest of the local and remote will be
PDU Rate:
100 to 10000 ms between consecutive OAM PDUs.
Discovery Capabilities:
Enables OAM enabled devices to exchange their OAM capabilities, configuration, and identity to
link partners. Check on the boxes to advertise selected capabilities during Discovery. Note: Each device can be placed in
any mode as long as the remote and local device are not both in passive mode.
Remote Loopback:
The user can transmit a loopback command to place the remote unit into loopback mode. Every
frame received is transmitted back on the same port to ensure the quality of links during installation or
troubleshooting and for fault isolation testing.
Link Events:
Supported, but not stateful
MIB Retrieval:
Can be advertised but is not supported in current release
Checks for unidirectional transmission.
10.1.2 Service Level OAM: 802.1ag/Y.1731 Setup
The user has the option of starting the 802.1ag or Y.1731 test.
1. Fill out the given parameters.
MD Format, MA Format, MEP ID, VLAN ID , and MD Level input values must match for both connected OAM
devices in order for the tests to work. The Remote MEPID and MEP ID must also be inverted for the tests to work.
/ e_Manual D07-00-050P RevD00
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