CBS Test:
The test passes if the frame loss rate stays below the configured FLR.
EBS Test:
The test passes if the frame loss rate stays below the configured FLR.
, CIR/EIR Test, and Policing tabs display min, mean, and max values for IR Mbps, FTD, FDV, FL Count, and
FLR (%)
. If Step Load was selected for the CIR Test, these values will be displayed for each step.
13.3.2 Performance Test
The Summary tab displays the status of each service and test as Pass, Failed, or Pending. Tapping on Services displays live
values for the following parameters as the test is running:
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IR Mbps:
Information Rate. Measures the average Ethernet frame rate starting at the MAC address field and ending at the CRC.
Measures the transfer time that the frames can take to travel from source to destination.
Measures the frame jitter.
FL Count:
Counts the number of lost frames.
Ratio of lost frames to the total transmitted frames.
The service becomes unavailable if more than 50% of the frames are errored or missing in a one second interval.
Availability is only guaranteed for traffic conforming to the CIR.
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Severely Errored Sec (SES):
Occurs for a block of frames over a one-second interval, when more than 50% of the frames are
errored or missing.
Unavailable Sec:
An interval of time that begins at the start of 10 consecutive SES occurrences. The ethernet network is in
unavailable state during this time span.
Total RX Frames:
Total number of frames received.
Number of Out of Sequence Counts .
Errored Frame Count:
Number of frames with CRC or IP Checksum errors.
Measured values that do not meet the service test parameters set in the Bandwidth and Threshold tabs cause the test to fail.
Perf. Test - Summary
Perf. Test - Services (Page 1)
Perf. Test - Services (Page 2)
A time stamped record or log of test types and test statuses (start/stop).
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