100Mbps) of the total link capacity (or Line Rate).
Number of bytes
Optical power:
Optical level measured by the SFP transceiver.
7.2.2 Errors
Errors tab:
The following Errors (Current and Total) are displayed:
Indicates errors related to test pattern (Bit Error or LSS [Pattern Loss])
Bit Error Ratio
Declared when an invalid code-group in the transmission code is detected
Number of received frames with an invalid Frame Check Sequence (FCS)
IP Checksum:
(Layer 3 and 4 only) Invalid IP Frame Check sequence
IP chks(%)
Jabber frames:
Number of received frames larger than 1518 bytes containing an invalid FCS
Runt frames:
Number of received frames smaller than 64 bytes containing an invalid FCS
BERT Results - Summary
BERT Results - Errors
7.2.3 Events
Events tab:
A time stamped record or log of anomalies, alarms, test status (start/stop) and test application are displayed.
7.2.4 Alarms
Alarms tab:
The following Alarms (Current and Total) are displayed:
Loss of Signal
LOS Sync:
Loss synchronization
Pattern Loss:
Indicates errors related to test pattern
Service disruption associated with loss of signal:
Duration of the current service disruption
Total accumulated duration of the service disruptions
Minimum and maximum duration of the service disruption events
Counter of service disruption events
BERT Results - Events
BERT Results - Alarms
/ e_Manual D07-00-050P RevD00
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