802.3 LLC (IEEE 802.3 frame with LLC header)
802.3 SNAP (IEEE 802.3 frame with SNAP header)
Ethernet II (DIX) (named after DEC, Intel, and Xerox, this is the most common frame type today)
Tap the MAC and IP blocks on the Frame image to access the setup menus
Set the Source and Destination MAC address for Layer 2
Set the Source and Destination MAC and IP addresses for Layer 3 and Layer 4
Off, 1 tag, 2 tags, 3 tags
The user is able to configure up to 3 VLAN tags (VLAN stacking, for Q-in-Q applications)
VLAN stacking is an option
Off, 1 tag, 2 tags, 3 tags
The user is able to configure up to 3 MPLS tags
MPLS tag configuration is only available when the MPLS option is purchased
The most common Ethernet Frame format, Type II
MAC, VLAN, MPLS, IP, and Test Pattern Configurations:
To configure the MAC addresses, IP addresses, VLAN tag(s), MPLS tag(s), and test pattern, tap on the frame image displayed on
the screen. This brings you to the configuration screens for all the header fields.
MAC Header Tab:
MAC Source:
Use the default source address of the test set or configure a new or different address.
MAC Destination:
Configure the destination MAC address of the far-end partner test set or use the ARP or ARP GW
keys to determine the MAC address of the destination IP address (ARP) or the Gateway (ARP GW). Note that a valid
IP connection needs to be up to use these functions. Refer to section 5.1 IP in the V100+ Common Functions
for details on IP connection.
Ethernet Type:
For Layer 3 and 4 testing, the user can also configure the Ethertype:
0800-IP (Internet Protocol Version 4, IPv4)
0801-X.75 (X.75 Internet)
0805-X.25 (X.25 Level 3)
0806-ARP (Address Resolution Protocol [ARP])
8035-RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol [RARP])
8137-IPX (Novell IPX)
8847-MPLS unicast
8848-MPLS multicast
86DD (Internet Protocol, Version 6 [IPv6]) - Future Release
BERT Setup - MAC Address Settings (Layer 3)
BERT Setup - Ethertype Settings (Layer 3)
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