Z7 byte (VT path Extended Label)
- If bits 5-7 of V5 byte are set to 101 (value = 5), then;
o The signal label in Z7 byte becomes valid where;
§ This is a 32 bit multi-frame string
§ Bit 1 is allocated to the extended signal label
§ Bit 2 is allocated to virtual concatenation
§ Bits 3 and 4 are unassigned and are reserved for VT APS signaling
§ Bits 5, 6, 7 are allocated for optional use
§ Bit 8 is unassigned
§ Bits 12-19 of the 32 bit multiframe contain the
The summary tab displays the summary screen listing the major bytes of the received SONET signal.
- Column #1 - Indicates the byte type
- Column #2 - Provides the hexadecimal value of the byte (if applicable)
- Column #3 - Provides a byte decode (Please refer to the byte definitions for an explanation of the listed bytes)
- For Path traces, (SP) indicates a space between the message characters
- The message will be displayed in red when an alarm condition is detected. In the example below, the C2 byte has
a PLM alarm (Payload Mismatch) i.e. the received signal label does not match the transmitted signal label.
TX150 e-Manual D07-00-023 Rev A02
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