voltage ranges are searched and supported.
Tap the “Start” button to begin the search. The received signal is checked for network type, hierarchy and bit rate, payload
structure, payload framing, test pattern and signal level. If the search is successful, a “PASS” result is displayed.
Search parameters and criteria
Checks physical parameters (bit rate / line code)
Checks mapping structure using the signal label and pointer bytes.
Only test patterns defined in ITU-T or ANSI standards will be recognized. If no test pattern is detected,
the unit assumes live traffic.
DSn/PDH signals:
Unframed or framed payloads at all hierarchies. For 1.5M signals containing 64 kbit/s timeslots, the TX150
will assume live traffic and will not search for a test pattern.
8.0 Results
Measurements are accessed by tapping the Results icon in the main menu. The results comprise a range of tabbed pages,
similar to the setup pages.
8.1 PDH/DSn Results
8.1.1 Results > Summary
The summary tab displays an overview of the major test parameters. At a glance, the user is able to see if there are any alarms,
errors or signal failure.
TX150 e-Manual D07-00-023 Rev A02
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