Värmebaronen Vedolux -350, -450 and -650
Congratulations on making a good choice!
Wood boiler with inverted combustion and lambda control for large properties
This manual describes the installation and operation
of the Vedolux 37. These heater meets the 2020
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s cord wood
emission limits for wood heaters sold after May 15,
2020. Under specific test conditions, these heaters
has been shown to deliver heat rates as specified in
the technical data in this manual.
Vedolux 350, 450 and 650
• are wood-fired boilers with a suction fan, designed
for heating properties.
• must be fired in combination with an accumulator.
• have environmental approval.
• are designed for half-metre wood.
• are designed for connection to an external water
heater suitably located in the accumulator.
Ceramic combustion chamber
The combustion chamber is designed for reversed
combustion. The depth of the combustion chamber
is 19.7 in.
How it works
Vedolux -350, -450 and -650 use inverted combustion.
The suction flue gas fan causes the flames to move
downwards through the grate. The gases remaining
are combusted in the ceramics.
The hot flue gases then continue through the boiler’s
flues, where the heat is absorbed, and then up
through the chimney.
All flues in the boiler are swept from the same hatch
on the front of the boiler. As the flues are round, it is
not possible to miss any inaccessible corners when
Vedolux -350, -450 and -650 have a suction
fan which means that the boiler has minimal
requirements for the chimney conditions.
Accumulator tank
To achieve the best combustion and efficiency, and
to meet the environmental requirements for wood
firing, the boiler must be fired in combination with
an accumulator tank.
Lambda control
Vedolux -350, -450 and -650 are fitted with lambda
control, which guarantees optimum combustion. The
result is high efficiency with minimum environmental
Included in the delivery
• Sweeping tool
• Power cables for mains and charging pump
• Turbulators
• LPG ignition
• Flue pipe to rear
• NPT adapters
Vedolux 350 and 450
• Flue pipe upwards
art. no.: 2942
• Accumulator control 3
art. no.: 2912
Vedolux 650
• Flue pipe upwards
art. no.: 2940
• Accumulator control 6
art. no.: 2914