General information
Värmebaronen Vedolux -350, -450 and -650
To be completed by installation engineer:
Boiler installed according to these instructions.
Chimney tested for leaks and approved for wood firing, and meets the requirements
of the boiler.
Installed so that the fan and boiler can be easily cleaned.
Flue pipe is connected to the chimney so that there are no gas and dust leaks.
Thermal valve (STW) has been fitted.
Expansion tank volume correctly dimensioned. Pay attention to prepressurisation
in a closed tank.
System has been filled with water, vented and checked for leaks. Pay attention to
system pressure.
Safety valve has been tested and its drainage pipe has been laid to a drain.
Boiler connected to mains power.
Aggregate test performed, O
probe calibrated and boiler correctly programmed.
See “Starting the boiler”.
User has been informed about how the system is operated and how it works.