For the user
Värmebaronen Vedolux -350, -450 and -650
After installation, check with the installation
engineer that the system is in perfect
Ask the installation engineer to demonstrate
the control and functions so that you
know how the system works and must
be maintained.
Fire carefully the first time or when the boiler
has not been fired for a while. This is so that
any moisture in the ceramics is evaporated
slowly and so that the condensation formed
by firing in a cold boiler is evaporated
rapidly and goes out with the flue gases.
Under these circumstances, the boiler must
be fired:
• with a fire of roughly ten pieces of wood.
• without turbulators.
When the ceramics are dry, the boiler can
be fired normally.
The basic settings for the lambda control must be
set by the installation engineer during installation.
We recommend that these settings be used.
The user must be set the ‘Desired flue gas
temperature’, see
03:TRG setpoint
in the
‘Settings’ menu. During the first few weeks in which
the boiler is used, check and note, each time it is
fired, the flue gas temperature it reaches when the
boiler temperature is 185°F and it is burning properly.
Add 50°F to the maximum temperature reached. Then
set this value as the ‘Desired flue gas temperature’.
Opening the hatches
Open the hatch with the handle on the front. The
hatch is prevented from being opened completely by
a latch. Wait 5 - 10 seconds before lifting the latch
and opening the hatch. See the adjacent figure.
Wood filling
The combustion chamber can be completely filled
but the quantity of wood must be adapted to heating
Have just the upper hatch of the boiler open when
adding wood to avoid dropping wood on the damper
Use 19,7 in. wood of a size that allows three pieces
to fit side by side. Lay the pieces of wood parallel
to each other in the combustion chamber.
Level out the bed of burned wood from the previous
firing before inserting new wood.
The wood must be inserted not thrown in. Otherwise
there is a risk of the ceramic parts being damaged.
Two ways of lighting the boiler
1. With LPG ignition
• Lay a few smaller pieces of wood across the holes
in the grate. Continue by adding sticks and then
logs. It is important for the holes in the grate not
to be sealed up. Ensure that there are sticks by
the LPG hatch’s hole.
• Close the upper hatch so that there is a gap of
approximately 4 in. Open the lower hatch so
that there is room for the LPG ignition device.
Light the wood by inserting the LPG ignition device
in the opening for LPG ignition. The ignition process
takes one to two minutes.
• Close the hatches when the fire is established.
2. With a paper fuse
• Layer newspaper and sticks in the base. Then twist
the paper fuse up to the wood insertion point.
Cover with pieces of wood.
• Light the paper fuse.
• Close the upper hatch when the fire is established.
Firing - Operation