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The design temperature of the cooling agent entering the drive module(s) is 35°C. While circulating inside
the cooling element, the liquid transfers the heat produced by the power semiconductors (and the capaci-
tors). The design temperature rise of the cooling agent during the circulation is less than 5°C. Typically,
95% of the power losses is dissipated in the liquid. We advise you to equip the cooling agent circulation
with temperature supervision.
The heat exchanging equipment can be located outside the electrical room in which the frequency convert-
ers are. The connections between these two are made on site. In order to minimize the pressure drops, the
pipings shall be made as straight as possible. We further recommend that a regulating valve equipped with
a measurement point is mounted. This makes the measurement and regulation of liquid circulation possi-
ble in the commissioning phase.
In order to prevent dirt particles from accumulating in the connections and thus gradually weakening the
cooling effect, installation of filters is also recommended.
The highest point of the piping must be equipped with either an automatic or a manual venting device. The
material of the piping must comply with at least AISI 304 (AISI 316 is recommended).
Prior to the actual connection of the pipes, the bores shall be cleaned thoroughly. If cleaning with water is
not possible, although recommended, pressured air must be used to remove all loose particles and dust.
To facilitate the cleaning and venting of the coolant circulation, we recommend you to install a bypass valve
in the main line and valves at each frequency converter inlet. Open the bypass valve and shut the valves to
the frequency converter when cleaning and airing the system. On commissioning the system, the bypass
valve shall be closed and the valves to the converters opened.
Below you will find a simplified example of the cooling system as well as an example of the connections
between the frequency converters and the cooling system.
Figure 5-18. Example of cooling system
Vacon recommends to equip the cooling system with pressure and flow supervision (FE). The flow supervi-
sion can be connected to digital input function
External fault.
If the coolant flow is found too low, the fre-
quency converter will be stopped.
The flow supervision and other actuators, e.g. a constant flow valve, are available as options. The options
shall be mounted at the junction of the main line and the branching line to the element, indicated with an
asterisk (*) in the figure above.