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Control board power-up
The control board can be powered (+24V) in two different ways: either 1) directly from the power board
ASIC, terminal X10 or 2) externally using the customer’s own power source. This voltage is sufficient for
parameter setting and for keeping the fieldbus active.
By factory default, the control unit is powered using the terminal X10 on the power board. However, if an
external supply is used to power up the control unit, a load resistor must be connected to terminal X10 on
the power board. This applies to all chassis
Figure 6-8. Connection of control board power cable from the power board. WRONG: terminal
J1 (upper); CORRECT: terminal J2 (lower)
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR CHASSIS CH3, CH4 and CH5: If you power the control board from the power
board be sure to connect the cable to the correct terminal. Terminal J2 on the power board is reserved
for this purpose. Do not connect the cable to terminal J1. See pictures below.