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Connections between power unit ASIC and the control unit
The communication connections between the NX Liquid-Cooled drive power unit and the
control unit
chapter 6.2) can be established using either the conventional round cable (standard in chassis CH3, CH4
and CH5) or optical cable (all chassis). Note that for chassis CH61 and greater, only optical cables can be
Connections with round cable
The communication connection between the drive power unit and the control unit in chassis CH3, CH4 and
CH5 are primarily made with conventional round cable and D-connectors at both ends.
Remove the protective cover to reveal the D-connector on the power unit. Connect the one end of the
communication cable to the D-connector of the power unit and the other end to the control unit. If the Opti-
cal Cable Adapter Board (see below) sits on the D-connector of the control unit you have to remove it first.
See Figure 6-22 below.
Connections with optical cable
If optical cables are used to link the power unit and the control board, a special Optical Cable Adapter
Board connected to the control board D-connector must be used. To connect the optical cables to the
power unit, you will have to remove the protective cover first. See Figure 6-22. Connect the optical cables
as shown in Figure 6-23. See also chapter 6.2.4, Control unit mounting box.
The maximum length of the optical cable is 10 m.
Figure 6-22.