The “Lift”, “Down”, “Generate” buttons are only enabled when a model is being selected.
2.8 Slice
Press the “Slice” Button on the main tool bar and it will open two sub menus, one on the left and
one on the right. The left menu is to start Slice and Show Slices, and the right drag bar and menu is
for customization of slice profile.
a. Slice Parameters
Slice parameters allow users to customize the slice parameters of each segment of a model.
After version 1.2.0 and the upper Desktop sets a separate slider at the third layer by default and
users cannot move this slider in the bar. The Exposure Time of the first three layers will be set
directly in the slice parameter interface rather than in the advanced settings.
Since 1.3.0 version, “Slice Parameters” has been adding “Preference”
and “LED Power”, accordingly “LED Power” will be removed from
“Advanced Settings”. Uniz Desktop will no longer memorize “Exposure
Time”, therefore “Restore” function be abolished. Users can
memorize favorite printing parameters by “Preference”.