A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
System Settings
Another way to realize survivability is the use of multiple, geographically separated SIP
servers. Normally, the phone is registered with that server that has the highest priority in
the DNS SRV server list. If the highest priority server fails to respond to the TLS connec-
tivity check (see Section, “Connectivity Check”), the phone will register with the
server that has the second highest priority.
2. Use of a Backup SIP Server. Along with the registration at the primary SIP server, the
phone is registered with a backup SIP server. In normal operation, the phone uses the pri-
mary server for outgoing calls. If the phone detects that the connection to the primary SIP
server is lost, it uses the backup server for outgoing calls. This connection check is realized
by 2 timers; for details, see Section, “Response Timer” and Section,
“Non-INVITE Transaction Timer”. For configuring the backup server, please refer to Sec-
tion, “Backup SIP Server”.
Connectivity Check
A regular check ensures that the TLS link to the main SIP server is active. When the
tivity check timer
is set to a non-zero value, test messages will be sent at the defined interval.
If the link is found to be dead, the phone uses DNS SRV to find another SIP server. Certainly,
the DNS SRV records must be properly configured in the DNS server. Value range: 0 (off), and
10 to 3600 sec.
If no other primary SIP server is found via DNS SRV, the phone will switch over to a backup
server for making receiving calls. For configuring the backup server, please refer to Section, “Backup SIP Server”.
Administration via WBM
System > SIP interface
In survivability mode, some features will presumably not be available. The user will
be informed by a message in the Call View display.