A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
Examples and HowTos
Example Dial Plan
: This indicates the timeout to be used for subsequent digit handling. If not specified,
the default timer value is used (User menu > Configuration > Outgoing calls > Autodial de-
lay (seconds)).
Terminating character
: A "*" or "#" character which indicates that the preceding digits
should be considered complete, even though the maximum length may not be reached.
However, the reach the minimum length must be reached by the string built from the digits
entered and the terminating characters.
Special indication
"E" (Emergency): If this character is entered here, the digits matching this rule will be
sent even if the phone is locked. The number will be dialed immediately even when
immediate dialing is disabled, and the phone is on-hook.
"b" (bypass): The phone lock is bypassed. The number will be dialed immediately even
when immediate dialing is disabled, if the phone is off-hook.
: A remark on this dial plan entry.
Terminator sent
: If set to true, the terminating character is sent to the server along with
the dial string proper. If set to false, the dial string is sent without the terminating character.